Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday Mind Dump

So here we are again... at Monday. We start another week, get into the grind and make things happen. But before we do, let's pause and contemplate with wonder what God has done for us. Let's talk for a while about the marvelous mystery that is His Church. Let's take a moment to have a Monday Mind Dump.

Yesterday was a wonderful day at Harvest church. Many of us were tired from the weekend. A few of our men were sore from our dodgeball tournament. We were able to push past the wear of the week and press into God's presence for some time of refreshing.

God moved in a powerful way in our worship experience yesterday. I feel like He is using our times of worship to really start to speak to us corporately and individually. These times aren't just stoic, produced concerts. They are precious times of intimate fellowship between us and God. We were challenged to not just worship from our experiences but from the perspective of the Lord. We aren't going to worship from our fear, our struggle, our sickness. We will worship God because He is holy, He is all powerful, He is victorious! Our focus must be on Him not on ourselves.

Then we were challenged by God's word to be a people FOR people, not against everything that's wrong with society. God doesn't need us to fight His battles. He wants us to LOVE His people. We decided that we wouldn't serve the gospel on a trash can lid but we would do our best to speak the language of our culture to reach those far from Christ. We will be full of grace and truth and people will experience our grace before we present them with truth. We will be a people of love, a people of grace. We will be a church for people who need another chance.

Then last night a bunch of people gathered to eat together, play some game and just hang out. It was wonderful. No agendas, no plans, just each other. I truly believe that we are better together.

I want to say a huge thank you to JW Cook for organizing our dodgeball tournament! It was amazing! We all had such a great time. Thank you to the staff at Harvest for getting everything together for the game night! I've heard it said that you are only as good as the team that surrounds you. If that's the case, we have great things ahead of us because we are surrounded with a wonderful group of people!

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