Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday Mind Dump

It is Monday of spring break and today has started out like your stereotypical Monday. First, I overslept by like TWO HOURS!! (Who does that??) Now that I've gotten my coffee and morning banana, I am fine!

Yesterday was a great Sunday! Though our attendance seemed a little low to me, our people seemed to engage in worship. Our teams knocked it out of the park and the message seemed to connect with the people. There was a great response to the invitation at the end and there were a ton of names of people that we would pray for and invite to #EasterAtHarvest! There are always things that I think we can tweak but overall, it was a great morning.

For those of you who are unaware, we have an evening, traditional service. This is a time of worship with traditional hymns and southern gospel music that is really geared toward those that love that style. It is also a time for me to give opportunities for up and coming leaders, that I'm in relationship with, to preach. It is also a great time to hear from the wisdom of some of our retired ministers! But one of the things I love most about Sunday nights is that I don't have to worry about preaching another sermon. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE to preach! It is one of my greatest passions but when I have to focus on two messages in one day, I don't feel like I can fully focus on just being present in the moment with people before the service. On Sunday nights, I get to be fully there! I get to stand around and have conversations that I don't get to have any other time. I get to joke around. I get to connect with our people in a way that I don't get too on Sunday mornings. I LOVE Sunday nights!

This past Sunday night we had Veronika Jones speak on "Do You Know Me?"

Now, I don't know if you know this young lady but she is a powerful preacher! Whether she knows it or not, she has a great prophetic ear and a wonderful way of communicating what she hears the Lord is saying. Though I can't claim any responsibility for mentoring her in her calling, I am proud like she is one of mine! I can't brag on her enough!

Not only is she a powerful preacher but she is also a missionary and she is taking a trip this Summer to Africa! She does the hard work of raising the money all by herself and I would like to help her get that money raised! I am asking all my family and friend, near and far, to pray about giving a gift towards her trip this Summer. She needs $6,200 before she can go on this trip. Could you give something towards it? If so, log on to our website at and click the giving link. When the new page opens, scroll down to "Other" and type in your gift amount. Then in the box to the right of that type in "Veronika Jones." Then you should be able to follow the instructions on the page from there. Thank you in advance for helping her reach her goal and get to Africa to expand the kingdom!

Let's talk about it!

What did God do in you yesterday? Tell me about it so we can celebrate together!

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